A reminder that our Mixer is TODAY! Please join us!ASIS&T's EU Chapter and EU Student Chapter invite you to take part in our upcoming Mixer and Networking event, to be held on Friday, January 22, 2021 from 12-1pm (Ireland/UK - GMT time) via Zoom.
The Zoom link for this event is https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/67871894721?pwd=MXJnZ0ZaT3pSb1Exd2NMejdVRG5JUT09 (Meeting ID: 678 7189 4721; Passcode: 023622)
There is no need to register for this event. Just come along!
We look forward to welcoming new members and reconnecting with existing members.
673 Potomac Station Drive, Suite 155Leesburg, VA20176
Phone+1 301 495 0900
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