
Inside ASIS&T Column, February 2020

By Lydia Middleton posted 03-10-2020 17:03


First, I hope you like the new look of Inside ASIS&T. Our new website platform has made it possible to make Inside ASIS&T easier to navigate and more searchable. If you have any suggestions of further improvements we could make, please let us know!

It is hard to believe that it is already mid-February and the next Annual Meeting is only eight months away. It seems we are just done closing out the details of one meeting when planning begins in earnest for the next one. The program committee is narrowing down keynote speaker possibilities and we look forward to announcing that soon. In the meantime, the call for proposals is available and the portal for submissions is now open. We are looking forward to many of you submitting your work!

As you’ll see elsewhere in this issue of Inside ASIS&T, the call for nominations for awards is now open as well. We hope you will consider nominating a colleague for an ASIS&T award. There are so many worthy candidates among our membership that we anticipate a strong response this year. The juries have all been determined and are eager to begin their deliberations. The deadline for award submission is April 1st.

We have had very little response to our call for feedback on the chapter restructuring proposal. We truly want your feedback on this proposal as it will mean a significant shift in the way chapters are defined, financed, and organized. There are still a few days left to give your feedback, so please take a moment to review and comment on the proposal.

We have been delighted with the turnout and engagement of members on our monthly ASIS&T Hour zoom calls. Elsewhere in this issue are the dates and topics of upcoming meetings. They alternate between times convenient for European and North American members on the East coast and times convenient for members in Asia/Pacific and the North American West coast.

ASIS&T’s many committees are hard at work furthering the ambitious agenda that the Board set out at the Annual Meeting and about which Past-President Elaine Toms wrote in her Open Forum posting in November. If you would like more information on the various ASIS&T committees and their priorities for this year, please visit the Committee & Task Force page on the ASIS&T website.

I am pleased to announce that ASIS&T has two new staff members. Aminta Dawson is our new Administrative Assistant and Naonnda Scoggins is our new Accounting and Operations Manager. More information on ASIS&T staff and who to contact with questions, see the ASIS&T Staff page on our website.

As always, we are eager to hear from you and hope you’ll reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or compliments!

Best regards,


