
AI and Law/Regulation in Australia and Globally: The Trajectory to Date

By Jelina Haines posted 12-09-2023 01:35


AI and Law/Regulation in Australia and Globally: The Trajectory to Date

Webinar: AI and Law/Regulation in Australia and Globally: The Trajectory to Date
January 9, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST

Join us for a discussion and comment on the role of law and regulation in the AI space and what is currently underway in this regard. This webinar discusses and compares what is currently in play in Australia vs what is currently being considered to be implemented, in light of and in consideration of what the current thinking in the AI space, particularly in relation to Generative AI, with other parts of the world, in particular EU and USA. Based on the current activity across the world, I will discuss the main areas where regulation has so far been considered most relevant and important. Further, what others have to date decided to protect and how? I then consider, noting there is no one single answer for what is to come at this stage, the importance and relevance of regulation of AI, considering the crossovers as well likely to occur with privacy, consumer rights and protection and more, including the ongoing ability to claim rights over and protect intellectual property. Objectives: 1. AI laws and regulations are essential. 2. AI regulations are crucial and cannot be ignored. 3. Ensuring privacy, consumer rights and protection in the realm of AI.


Nina Rossi has worked briefly in government for IP Australia as a trademark examiner. The following 12 years in private practice across various legal fields, including business/corporate law, disputes, franchising, and intellectual property. However, Nina's first interests have always been in the space of Intellectual Property and digital. Nina has largely worked from Sydney, NSW, but has assisted clients across Australia and internationally. Such clients have ranged from SME businesses to larger FMCG retail chains, particularly in regard to franchising work. Nina also presently works on contract as an in-house counsel, assisting with contracting and all aspects of large business legal and operational/compliance requirements.

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