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HINDAS Mentor-Mentee current progress

By Jelina Haines posted 02-28-2022 11:14

Dear Fellow SIG-DL officers and members,
As we promised, we will keep you up to date on the progress of the HINDAS project. HINDAS are grateful for the support of the Mentors by voluntarily sharing their knowledge, time and wisdom to guide the Mentees. So far, each Mentees has digitally met their Mentors twice and already planned their intention to submit for the ASIS&T Annual Meeting.  
Each Mentee has explicitly designed according to their research interest and the Mentors, for example;
Mahbub E Shobhanee stated;
our project is about Integrating bioinformatics resources of a particular crop. So, after our first meeting, I had drafted an outline with research objectives and methodology. Currently, I am collecting the resources hopefully, the complete paper will be prepared very soon.
Tathagata and his mentors' research scope focuses on;
This study will focus on the academic visibility of all faculty members of Indian universities, which is reflected in different academic social networking platforms (research gate, academia, publons, vidwan and Google scholar) and web of science.

Some good news: Mentee- Priya Vaidya won the research scholar award

